Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pregnant in Orlando

Today I flew from San Jose to Orlando to attend the International Christian Retail Show, hosted by the Christian Bookseller's Association. I'm excited about some of the training I'll get to do at the show, but I'm not excited about being away from Juan for 5 nights. It's weird – for the first time when we found out I am pregnant almost 4 weeks ago – to be away from the person I'm sharing this experience with.

After several weeks of maintaining my weight, I've begun to gain a few pound over the last few days. Specifically, I was floating between 193-195 (192.8 was most lowest weight in recent years – just a few days before I found out I was pregnant), but this week, I saw 197 on the scale. Yikes! I'm hoping to only gain about 15-20 pounds during this pregnancy, so I want to be careful not to gain too quickly. I think that I am exercising enough, but eating right has been more difficult. I am not having “morning sickness,” per se, but I am feeling somewhat nauseous most days. When this happens, it's easy to eat to make the nausea go away. I just need to eat the right things! It's also easy to let down my guard in general and eat more just because I'm pregnant. This will be my challenge for the next 7 months, so now is a good time to focus on making healthy choices!

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