Monday, May 26, 2008


12:30 pm

“You're in for a real treat.”

That's what my now-new friend Jamie said to me on the shuttle bus after she discovered that I also was going to Fitness Ridge. Turns out that she came here a year and a half ago (when they were operating out of a hotel and adjacent gym), and the fact that she was returning said something to me!

This morning, my alarm went off at 5:45, and I promptly got up, got dressed and headed down to the lobby for “test-in.” I found it interesting that they don't call it a weigh-in (definitely a word with bad connotations), and it truly was more than a weigh-in. They quickly gathered information on us such as our age, our height, our weight, and our measurements, including body measurements as well as body fat percentage.

Here are some of my numbers:

Height: 5'6” (really about 5 foot, 5 and ¾ inches)
Weight: 201.5
BMI: 32 (I think!)
Body Fat Percentage: 36.6%

At the end of the week, we'll “test out” and take all these measurements again.

Next we headed to Snow Canyon, a local state park, for the “Stop Sign Hike.” This is the hike that is used to gauge each person's hiking ability. I hiked part of the hike with my new friend Jamie (from the shuttle yesterday) and then hiked alone until the end – reaching the stop sign (4.5 miles from where we started) in 1 hour and 19 minutes. This is another thing we do again at the end of the week to assess our improvement while we've been here.

After returning was breakfast (at 9:30), “Budget” class (income vs. expense in terms of calories), and now I'm off to Aquacise class, followed by lunch at 1:00.

5:15 pm
The afternoon felt like we really got going on the exercise part of the day. At 2:00 we had an introduction to the gym equipment and how to use it all, followed by Circuit Training (going back and forth between cardio machines and weight machines) and Cardio Circuit. This class was much like exercise classes I've seen before and at the same time – nothing like anything I've ever seen before.

Today's Schedule (just to recap):

6:20 am Test-in (weights and measurements – and a picture!)
6:30 am Meet the trainers
7:00 am Leave for hike
9:30 am Breakfast
10:15 am Budget 101 (budgeting calories)
11:30 am Aquacise (strength and cardio exercises in the pool)
1:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Intro to Circuit
2:30 pm Circuit Training
3:30 pm Cardio Circuit
4:30 pm Gentle Stretch
5:30 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Tai Chi on the Red Rocks


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you. Think of me while you hike. I wish I was there. I can't wait for you to get back so we can go hiking together.

Learn lots of good stuff so you can blog all about it. I can't wait to read more posts and see more of the great scenery. I love the photos.

Andrea said...

crazy i'm excited to keep reading- take good notes and bring it all back ! :)