Friday, May 30, 2008

Thoughts on Friday

Well, since I posted a lot of pictures last night, I thought I might try to get a bit of writing in today. I only have a few minutes before lunch, but here are the things I have been thinking about today:

1. I feel really good. My body (and even my mind) are exhausted, but I have experienced a really good feeling in my body from all this exercise. Obviously people can't exercise like this all the time, but it has really given me a new desire (in my mind and body) for exercise. I would say I've certainly had that desire before, but now I feel it even stronger.

2. I must take the things I've learned here home with me. It is so easy to not exercise and to overeat - and this would be easy to do. The real value in this trip will be what I implement when I get home.

Ok, that's all my mind can get into words now - and I've got to head to lunch!

I can't wait to get home and tell you all in person about this trip.

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